The Savvy Donor: Maximizing Your Charitable Donations

July 10, 2014

When planning to make a gift to a charity in a will, people often think of making a set cash donation. If the estate includes shares of a public company, […]

A Primer on the “Secondary”

May 27, 2014

In the venture world, a secondary offering refers to the sale of outstanding (and previously issued) shares by a company’s shareholders to a group of investors. There are a couple […]

LW Academy: What Advice Would You Give to a New Startup?

May 2, 2014

LW Academy is a series of short videos that answer many of the questions we get from our startup clients on a daily basis. Note: The materials provided on this […]

LW Academy: What Do I Need to Do Today to Prepare to Sell or IPO My Company?

April 25, 2014

Note: The materials provided on this site are for information purposes only. These materials constitute general information relating to areas of law familiar to our firm lawyers. They do NOT […]

LW Academy: How Do I Limit My Liability When Selling the Company?

April 17, 2014

LW Academy is a series of short videos that answer many of the questions we get from our startup clients on a daily basis. Note: The materials provided on this […]

LW Academy: Why Incorporate & What Role the Board of Directors Plays

April 11, 2014

LW Academy is a series of short videos that answer many of the questions we get from our startup clients on a daily basis. This video discusses why you should […]

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