Congratulations Paul C. LaBarge!

Close up of Paul C. LaBarge enjoying a fall ride on the Trans Canada Trail.
It was merely 11 days ago that Paul C. LaBarge was recognized for his outstanding contributions toward a greater community in being named by the Governor General as a new Member of the Order of Canada.
Created in 1967 the Order of Canada is an exceptional honour, as its six-point white enamel insignia embodies the heritage and diversity that is the Great White North. As one of 83 new appointments, Paul now joins over 7,000 others from countless sectors across Canada, each remembered for their dedication and service toward shaping our country.
It was clear how Paul came to merit such an award. In addition to being a founding partner of LaBarge Weinstein LLP, his devotion and work surrounding his community is substantial.
One of his most commemorated involvements was with the Trans Canada Trail (The Great Trail). As one of the original founders of the GreatTrail, a legacy project of Canada 125, his history throughout its existence as board member, counsel, secretary and chair is inspiring and a monument to dedication.
Even now, over 25+ years later, he remains an active user of The Great Trail.
“Understanding the diversity of Canada and its’ majestic landscapes, from the rocky shores of the Maritimes, across the Prairies, and to the Rocky Mountains… the diversity of Canadian landscapes supports and underlines the diversity of our communities. To me, the Trans Canada Trail is simply a metaphor for Canada.”
Paul C. LaBarge
However, don’t be fooled into thinking he stopped there. Throughout his time with The Great Trail, Paul was an integral member of several other community initiatives, including being chair to organizations such as: the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, the Canadiana Fund and the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance .
What inspired his continuing involvement you may ask? People.
To Paul, giving back to his community was not a matter of “if he should, but rather that he could”. Paul was raised to believe in the power of participation and a belief that we are in this world to make a difference, with the goal that, when leave it, we should leave it in better condition than when we arrived.
It is clear that the Order of Canada is well deserved.
To one of our founding partners, fellow colleague, author, friend and dedicated volunteer, congratulations on this honourable achievement!
Debbie Weinstein
For more information on Paul C. LaBarge and the Order of Canada, follow the link below: